
World Food Safety Day 2023 – An essential step towards a healthy community

Not everyone is privileged to access safe and hygienic food and water. One of the most significant issues developing countries face is having access to clean food and water. Keeping the sickness due to unclean food and water in mind, The United Nations has declared World Food Safety Day 2022  on 7 June to grab the needed attention of the policymakers, Governments, restaurant and hotel owners, and whosoever is responsible or connected with delivering unclean food.

And the theme for World Food Safety Day 2022  is “Safer food, better health.”

According to WHO, over 200 diseases occur due to consuming contaminated food with bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other heavy metals. In addition, foodborne diseases contribute significantly to the global burden of disease and mortality.

Contamination of food items may occur in the food production, delivery, or consumption chain. Food also gets affected by several other environmental contaminants like contaminated water, soil, or air. Furthermore, it also gets damaged by the storage processes followed by the food companies.

Diarrhea is one of the most common diseases one can get from unsafe food consumption, and if avoided, it may get severe. And in some cases, patients need to get hospitalized for expert healthcare services.

4 Easy-To-Adopt Processes For A Safe Food Consumption:

There are multiple processes available to follow for safe and healthy food consumption. In addition, what our QurBook health experts and dietitian highly recommend are the below-mentioned processes.

1. Thoroughly clean raw food:

It may sound easy or familiar, but most people to date are not following this simple process of cleaning the raw food. Whether vegetables or fruits, clean those food items sufficiently before cooking or consuming raw.

2. Store raw foods separately:

If you consume meat, fish, eggs, etc., it is highly suggested that you keep raw food like vegetables and fruits in a separate compartment. Keep these raw foods separate from other food items even when you cook.

3. Avoid consuming uncooked food:

Many raw foods, including meat, take time to be cooked well, and if you eat that raw food in an uncooked condition, you may have to face several health issues. For example, cooking for the preferred time allows you to kill those unhealthy bacteria, making your food ready for safe consumption.

4. Store properly in a refrigerator:

No matter the type of food you consume daily, be it raw food or cooked one. It is essential to store the food properly in a refrigerator. When storing the cooked food, always cover it with a lid, and fish and meat should be kept in a freezer. These methods of caring and storing food will allow you to keep the food healthy and fresh for a more extended period.

Do’s and Don’ts of avoiding unsafe food:

It not so difficult to make sure you consume clean food. There are a few things to keep in mind that will help you make sure that the food you consume is safe and healthy.

Do’s & Don’ts:
  • Always check the use-by date before consuming any food item.
  • Check food packaging and look for any leakage.
  • Buy food items from trusted vendors.
  • If you ever feel the food is not tasting as it should be, stay away from it.
Foodborne disease steals nutritional progress from the world’s most vulnerable

Foodborne disease is a significant threat to global health, food security, and sustainable development.

The fact that it is the second leading cause of death in the world has been known for some time; however, recent research reveals that foodborne diseases are also responsible for stunting growth in children and depriving them of their right to education.

In addition to stealing nutritional progress from the world’s most vulnerable people, the foodborne disease also takes an economic toll on societies by disrupting labor productivity and causing an estimated USD$1 trillion in annual losses due to sickness-related work absenteeism.

Importance of World Food Safety Day 2022
  • When you eat unsafe food, your body may be exposed to harmful bacteria or chemicals.
  • If your diet contains too much fat or sugar, that can lead to obesity and diabetes.
  • Unsafe food can also cause food poisoning, making you feel nauseous and giving you diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms, such as vomiting or stomach cramps.
  • A balanced diet is the cornerstone of good nutrition. It’s important for everyone, but especially for kids, pregnant women, people with certain health conditions, and those who have allergies.
  • Your body needs vitamins and minerals to function properly. These nutrients are found in food sources such as fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes (beans), grains such as brown rice or quinoa; dairy products like milk or yogurt; eggs; meat such as poultry or fish; nuts like almonds or walnuts; seeds like flaxseeds—it’s essential to eat a variety of foods so that you get all the nutrients your body requires.

To combat the adverse effects of poor nutrition, we need to get enough vitamins and minerals through a balanced diet.

Food safety is essential and knowing how to prepare safe food can help keep you, your family, and your community healthy. Foodborne illnesses are preventable, so we all have a role in ensuring our food stays safe.

We need to be aware of the risks associated with unsafe food and take steps to reduce them by practicing good hygiene when preparing meals at home or buying packaged products from stores.

To get a closer understanding about food and the right nutrition connect with QurBook Dietitians and nutritionist who can help you understand the link between food and health. Striking right balance to keep your mind, body and surroundings healthy.

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